Baldrige Resource Center

Baldrige Business - Nonprofit Criteria for Performance Excellence 2015-2016 

04-16-2020 14:00

Changes from the 2013–2014 Criteria
As with every revision of the Criteria, there is one overarching purpose: that the Criteria always reflect the leading edge of validated leadership and performance practice.

The most important words in this purpose statement are “leading edge” and “validated.” The Criteria have always been based on role-model practices successfully implemented by businesses and other organizations. They are the practices that lead to ongoing success when embedded
within an integrated systems perspective of enterprise performance management. They are practices that are equally valid for small organizations and large, multinational corporations.

The changes for 2015–2016 go well beyond the actual Criteria to a holistic look at how to most effectively guide organizational decision making in an increasingly complex and competitive external environment. Baldrige exists to help every organization improve its performance and strive for
high performance. While one use of the Baldrige framework is to identify Presidential award recipients, the main purpose continues to be educational. Whether used as guidance in establishing an integrated performance management system or for self-assessing progress, Baldrige is about helping you innovate and improve.

This year’s changes begin with retitling the booklet to Baldrige Excellence Framework: A Systems Approach to Improving Your Organization’s Performance to emphasize that the Baldrige systems perspective includes the core values and concepts, the Criteria (now accessible at multiple levels of detail), and a scoring system that helps you gauge organizational maturity. It includes an overview diagram (see page 1) that embodies the integrated nature of the Criteria components and their reliance on core values and concepts. It includes a Glossary of Key Terms, with definitions and explanations that by themselves are instructive in fashioning key aspects of leading-edge leadership and performance practice. Descriptions of some of these changes are below, followed by a description of specific Criteria changes. A List of Contributors (see page 58) has been added to thank the many people who contributed to the development of the 2015–2016 Baldrige Excellence Framework.

Overview Diagram

The diagram has been redesigned to emphasize the systems nature of Baldrige. An “interlocking structure” now reflects the interconnected nature of the whole system. The Organizational Profile is now the background that touches every aspect of your performance system. And the highlighting of the key role of integration emphasizes that no single piece of the system can operate independently. The overview diagram now includes the key role of the core values and concepts as the basis of your leadership and performance management system.

Core Values and Concepts

The core values have been revised and reordered to reflect their relevance to guiding current leadership and performance practice. First and foremost, Baldrige provides a systems perspective that requires visionary leadership—now the first two core values. The next seven core values are the hows of an effective system. The final two core values, ethics and transparency and delivering value and results, are the outcome of using Baldrige as a guide.

Glossary of Key Terms

A simple definition of each glossary term is now presented in boldface at the start of each entry. Many of the glossary entries have been updated, and the term sustainability has been removed from the glossary and Criteria requirements. The many uses of the term sustainability in the literature, from holistic organizational sustainability (the Baldrige usage) to environmental sustainability (a common usage), have been an ongoing source of confusion. Baldrige has opted for the simpler terminology of success now and in the future, an organizational imperative.

Criteria for
Performance Excellence

Most of the Criteria category titles have been reduced to one word that states the topic (e.g., category 2, Strategy). Some sections of items appear in list format to enhance readability. As a result, some items appear longer than in the past. The overall requirements for each category item are now shown in boldface as the lead-in question to each set of questions. Taken together, these most important questions are the essence of the item. These questions, which can form the basis of a shorter organizational assessment, are also available as a separate publication (Baldrige Excellence Builder; see /builder.cfm).

As we studied the evolving nature of competitive and strategic pressures on organizations, three key themes evolved for Criteria revisions in 2015–2016: (1) change management, (2) big data, and (3) climate change.


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